What we do

Batteriretur® collects and recycles all types of batteries from all over Norway. All the way from Lindesnes to the south to the northernmost point in Norway, Kinnarodden. Yes, we even collect batteries in Svalbard! Be it lead-acid batteries, alkaline small batteries, or large heavy industrial batteries from both vehicles and ships.

Gjennom 30 år har vi utviklet sikre og effektive løsninger for innsamling av batterier og vi investerer store ressurser for å utvikle fremtidens løsninger allerede i dag. Et eksempel på dette er vår sorteringsmaskin i Fredrikstad som er en helautomatisert sorteringsmaskin med kunstig intelligens for sortering av småbatterier. Et annet eksempel er Batterireturs utvikling av verdensledende løsninger for sikker håndtering, demontering, gjenbruk og gjenvinning av batterier fra elektriske kjøretøy. Å utvikle løsninger som kommer både oss som innbyggere til gode men ikke minst for miljøet er viktig for Batteriretur.

Did you know that you can return old batteries where you buy new ones? Or that most municipalities have waste disposal facilities where you can deliver your used batteries? Yes, we do in fact have over 20,000 locations in the country where you can return your old batteries and our network of partners all over Norway as well you delivering your old batteries for recycling, makes Norwegians among the best in the world at collecting and recycling batteries.

The collection and recycling of batteries is important for several reasons. Batteries can be unsafe if they are handled wrongly, but at the same time, it is important to collect them because several types of batteries contain elements that can be reused in new products. This is very important for the environment and with our system, we guarantee an environmentally friendly collection with the highest possible quality of recycling, so that most elements go back to reproduce new products. This is what we call circular economics in practice.

We want to be available to you whether you are an importer, collector or if you as a consumer want information about batteries. We work extensively on communication concerning batteries using several platforms and if you visit our Facebook page you can see more information about our everyday life. You can also send us a message if you want more information.