
By participating in various forums and professional groups at home and abroad, we gain knowledge of the batteries and the intrinsic risk the various types of batteries pose. This helps us as an organization to make decisions based on knowledge and expertise.

The knowledge and expertise we acquire allows us to facilitate the safest possible handling and collection of disused batteries both today and for the future. We share this knowledge and expertise with the participants involved in our arrangement, either as an importer or as a collector.

De ulike forum og faggrupper kan være Norsk forum for batterisikkerhet, Maritime Battery Forum and we are part of the European organization Eucobat. Videre deltar vi også i  NFFA. Other organisations include Miljøagentenes batterijakt, Loop and Gjenvinning Østfold.

Batteriretur also participates in various conferences and seminars where we can acquire new knowledge, and where we can contribute to increased expertise in the industry.

In addition, we have a good dialogue with the authorities in Norway, including dsb and Miljødirektoratet.