Booking and registration



On this page you can login to register the following:
– melde inn start/industri og husholdningsbatterier
– registrere/bestille henting av hybrid- og el-bilbatterier og mc batteri
– registrere/bestille henting av Li-ion truck batterier
– registrere/bestille henting av Li-ion marine batterier

Informasjon stengetider i sommerferien

Batteriretur Fredrikstad holder stengt uke 28,29, 30. Innmeldinger som er meldt inn etter 19.06 blir hentet etter ferien. 
Høyenergi AS (Østerøyveien 46, 3246 Sandefjord) holder stengt uke 29 og 30.



Registration of starter- / industrial and household batteries

This service also contains information from the Customer Portal at Batteriretur. Here you will find, e.g., period-specific information regarding delivered quantities, for your company.

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Registration/order of return/repair for Li-ion hybrid and electric car batteries

Here you can register / order a pickup for hybrid and electric car batteries. You can also find information about your previous orders and our High Energy Battery manual.

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Registration/order of return for Li-ion Truck batteries

Here you can register / order a pickup for Li-ion Truck batteries. You can also find information about your previous orders and our High Energy Battery manual.

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Registration/order of return for Li-ion Navy batteries

Here you can register / order a pickup for Li-ion Navy batteries. You can also find information about your previous orders and our High Energy Battery manual.

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