Household batteries

From NULL value to FULL value! All batteries must be collected for recycling, and no batteries should be disposed of in the trash

Where can you return batteries?

Dealers are obliged to accept batteries of the same type that they sell. Some retailers may have a sticker on the door notifying customers that they accept batteries for recycling, but not all retailers use stickers despite also selling batteries.

Many retailers have their own environmental stations located in the store where you can drop off batteries. Some stores may have a battery return box for collecting alkaline batteries. Alkaline batteries are often referred to as household batteries, and these are the batteries you can buy at e.g. grocery stores and kiosks.

There may be some residual energy left in the batteries, so tape the poles of the batteries before putting them into the box. Batteries can also be delivered to municipal waste disposal sites or hazardous waste disposal sites.

There are different programs in the different municipalities, check on for your municipality.

About batteries

Vi skiller på batterier som ikke inneholde de miljøskadelige tungmetallene bly, kadmium og kvikksølv og de batteriene som inneholder dette. Batterier som ikke inneholde disse tungmetallene er følgende batterier: alkaliske, litium, Li-ion og NiMH. Det finnes ulike typer batterier som ikke inneholder de miljøskadelige tungmetallene kadmium eller bly, og det er alkaliske, Litium, Li-ion og NiMH batterier. Nikkelkadmium (NiCd)- og blybatterier inneholder enten tungmetallet cadmium eller bly og er de miljøskadelige batteriene. Alle batterier skal være merket med ei overkrysset søppelbøtte, og for de miljøskadelige skal det stå enten Pb (bly) eller Cd (cadmium) under søppelbøtta.

Read more about environmentally harmful elements on Miljøstatus i Norge and Er det farlig.

Recycling of batteries

Batteries collected via the Batteriretur system are recycled at approved recycling facilities in Europe. The different types of batteries go to different recycling plants. We only use the best battery recycling facilities.

Recycling makes collective sense!