For collectors
As a collector, you’ll have an agreement with Batteriretur on delivery of disused batteries through our system. This agreement gives you access to information and offers on training regarding safe handling and packaging of batteries.
Batteriretur has developed manuals for handling different types of batteries. As our partner/collector you will be granted full access to these. The manuals are dated and regularly revised. The latest updated version will always be available on the website.
Login to access our manuals. «Toolbox»
If you do not have access as a collector/partner, register here. «Register user»
Laws and regulations
Battery collection and recycling is subject to the requirements of various laws and regulations.
- Avfallsforskriften Kapittel 3 Kasserte batterier
- Avfallsforskriften Kapittel 11 Farlig avfall
- Produktforskriften
- Forskrift om landtransport av farlig gods
- ARD/RID Landtransport av farlig gods
- Skriftlige instruksjoner
To make your job as a collector easier, we offer some supplies for packaging and handling of the batteries.